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What to expect when you join a play

When you join the cast of a school play, you will

  • Have lots of fun working on creating something with new friends.

  • Receive a fine arts or elective credit in a period 6 (additional to your other 8 periods)

  • Get to perform for an audience for four performances. 

  • Be asked to rehearse 1 to 5 times per week (depending on your role size) from 3:30-5:30pm.  You will be given a schedule and can even receive daily text or email reminders. 

  • The school will provide you with most costume items.  But, you may be asked to provide some costume pieces if they are normal clothes (socks, a t shirt, pants of a certain color.)  But we can even help you with that if you need.

  • A bus may be provided from East to Glendale after rehearsal.  You may also be able to carpool.  However, you will eventually need to work out transportation after school.

  • Sometime in the last two weeks of rehearsal, rehearsals will move to every day and will start to go past 5pm. 

  • Most people will pay for tickets to see the show, but we can also provide complimentary (free) tickets they can be provided so your family can see you perform. 

  • You will memorize your parts, but I will make sure that you have enough rehearsal time to do so.  I will make sure that you look awesome and sound awesome will have no reason to be embarrassed or feel stage fright. 


Which role will I play?

                That depends on the audition.  The audition is how the director determines who will play each role.  I am looking for a certain look and certain skills for a person to play each role.  Often bigger roles go to more experienced students and juniors and seniors, while “first-timers” usually play smaller roles.  But that isn’t always the case.  Sometimes a freshman with no experience can come in and get the biggest part.  But, if that doesn’t happen to you and you want a bigger role, keep working at it.  You will still have fun and learn and grow.

How do I get a bigger role?

  • Look like the character.  No, it’s not fair.  But that is how it goes in real life.

  • Get experience.  Take a smaller role right now so you can learn how to get a bigger part later.

  • Take a drama class.  You will learn skills to help you do better in auditions. 

  • Audition well.  Remember that this is an “acting test” not a “reading test” or “memorization test.”   Be the best actor to play that character during the audition.  Give it that extra special something.

  • Prepare for your audition.  Learn the monologues and songs in advance and practice. 


What if I want a small role?

                Great!  But still do your best to make sure you don’t end up with no part at all.

What if I get stage fright?

                That’s OK.  You will get over it the more you try.  The audition is often the hardest part.  By the time we get to performances, they will just feel like a regular rehearsal and you will be a pro.

Can I afford it?

                Yes.  All fee waiver rules apply.  And, if you need help with providing anything for your part, we will help you, even if you aren’t on fee waiver. 

But I also play sports.

                I believe that well rounded students should participate in the three A’s: Academics, Arts and Athletics.  I schedule almost no characters for everyday rehearsal.  So, you should have time for homework, certain after school jobs and some sports.  I’m willing to work with you and your other coach to allow you to be at key practices and games if your other coach will allow you to be at performances and other key play rehearsals.  However, the choice to do both means you will be extra busy, plan well and communicate with both me and your coach.  Don’t sign up for both and then skip both rehearsal and practice.  That won’t leave you prepared to do either. 

East High School: The World's Most Famous High School

840 S 1300 East

Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Front Desk 801-792-8558

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