What is this show?
Nominated for 12 Tony Awards
Every song written by a different composer
Yolanda Adams
Steven Tyler & Joe Perry (of Aerosmith)
Sara Bareilles
Jonathan Coulton
Alex Ebert & Edward Sharpe
The Flaming Lips
Lady Antebellum
Cyndi Lauper & Rob Hyman
John Legend
Panic! at the Disco
Plain White T's
They Might Be Giants
Domani & Lil' C
Show explores what characters would be like if they were in fact human.
The world's most "2020" (and 2021) show.
When the town of Bikini Bottom is threatened by an active volcano, the town on the ocean floor goes throuh what we've been going through for the last year: Stay at home orders, debates on the realities of science, Racism (land creatures vs. ocean creatures, government malfeasance, media panic, corporate controls and finally riots. No matter how you feel about the events of the last year, there's something to identify with and something to laugh about.
Why are we doing this show now...in a pandemic?
Students still need theater
Theater offers what every student needs: a chance to be heard and noticed, a chance to be part of something bigger and more exciting, a chance to make life-long friends, a chance to work on a team, a chance to express their creativity. These things didn't change in the pandemic.
Our community needs a community event!
As we strive for unity and healing in our community, we now, more than ever need things in which we can safely work together and enjoy together. And this show exemplifies a community fractured and brought together. If our community embraces it, this can be a thing around which we can rally.
The Message!!!
The show as you can imagine is quite silly. But, there's a moment at the end where the characters don't know if they're going to live or die, but they choose to be happy anyway. This moment is beautiful in context. We need to see more characters, even simple not-so-heroic characters choosing life and light even when everything else in the world is beyond their control.
How are we making this as safe as possible?
Following all guidelines as in class.
I have designed a cautious plan for auditions, rehearsals and performances that not only take in to account current guidelines and school policies but also include contingency plans for possible outbreaks, increase in numbers and a few less restrictive plans that will allow for a little more art if our situation improves significantly over the next three months. You can read the entire document here.
Options for performers and audience.
At the moment the plan is to rehearse in a mostly in person setting similar to in-person classes. There are some options for remote performances as well. If all goes well, audiences will be able to see the show in person following similar guidelines for public events elsewhere in Salt Lake County. But, we want everyone to be able to enjoy the show, so we are streaming it as well. See the full procedures here.
Rehearsal Process
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leads and small groups only.
Only cast members who are scheduled may attend rehearsal. You will only be scheduled when you have reason to be there. Start times will be determined by if and how far those cast need to travel. The goal is still to end at 4:30pm for most if not all cast members.
Tuesday and Thursday, large group rehearsals.
An activity buss will be provided on these days unless there low ridership on that bus causes the transportation department to cancel.
Wednesday Stage Crew Days ...(anyone can stage crew).
Stage Crew is a B day class so we will need to get a significant hunk of work done before that class convenes. So, we will need lots of help. Of course, you have your asynchronous work as well. But, I will post times and tasks that anyone can help with before rehearsal on Wednesdays. This is, however, work time, not hang out time.
Streaming Double Feature
November 7, 2020
Two one act plays written for remote performance. Presented in a streaming video format and...in our own drive in movie theater.
See below for descriptions of the plays.
Do You Read Me?
by Kathryn Funkhauser
Everyone at NASA thinks that Dr. Weaver's Mars colony is a joke, because it's full of average joes instead of astronauts. Their mission? To grow the first eggplant on Mars. As Dr. Weaver takes reports from the self-appointed experts, disappointed sci-fi fans, and customer service nightmares that inhabit the colony under the leadership of the arrogant Commander, the mission starts to seem impossible. But could there be more to the story than they're letting on? Written especially for actors to perform on video chat, Do You Read Me? is a space comedy about community.
Sound fun? Audition Instructions Here
4 A. M.
by Jonathan Dorf
What's it like to be awake when the rest of your world is asleep? Meet an early-morning jogger, a radio DJ whose show may have an audience of none, a modern Romeo and Juliet, the author of a most unusual letter, and many other teen characters as they search for connection in the magic hour. Through a series of connected scenes and monologues, join them on their journey as they discover whether the monster under the bed is real and collectively wonder...is there anybody out there?